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Conifer cones need to be opened to release the seed inside.
Jack pines and Black spruce require intense heat (>60 C). White spruce cones will open in dry warm conditions.
It should be noted that there are several cones processing facilities in Ontario that are well equipped to clean cones from a variety of species.
You will need: Garbage can with lid (for tumbling cones), coarse sieve (approx. 2cm opening), threshing mat and paddle, table fan
Cleaning conifer cones
1. Once cones have opened, place them in a tumbler. You can use a garbage can with a lid. Roll around or shake to release the seed from the cones.
*Please note, removing the cones from the branches will result in a cleaner final seed product. Once dried the needles will shed and are difficult to separate from the final seed.

2. Pour cones over a coarse sieve (about 2cm opening). Place a sheet of large cardboard sheet below to catch the seeds.
3. Step on cones to further open scales and release seed. Return cones to tumbler and repeat.

4. Place winged seeds on a threshing mat. Gently (with a light pressure) thresh the seeds using a rubber paddle to break the wings.

5. Winnow material to remove wings.

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