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Berries can be crushed using a blender and their seed extracted.
Dull the blender blades with a file.
This method works well for small-seeded, or hard seeded plants, especially raspberries.
Seeds can often be damaged in the blender, take caution and check seed regularly if you have never cleaned it with the blender before.
Blender method
1. Place fruit in blender with at least 2:1 water:fruit, start with 5:1 if you have never cleaned this type of berry.

2. Pulse several times to crush fruit.
3. Allow seed to settle and pulp to float, stir the pulp to release trapped seed.
Pour all the material into a sieve. Use a spoon to scrape material out of sieve and place on a paper towel to dry. Dry and follow with threshing then winnowing to clean. This will be more efficient if your collections contained leafy material.
4. Pour off floating material, adding water repeatedly and allowing seed to settle, repeating until little or no pulp remains.

Example: American red raspberry

5. Voila! Clean seed.
Filing the blender blades.
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